30 September 2021

Interpretation of Parabasalid DNA reads in pig facael samples as detected by metabarcoding

We used metabarcoding to detect and differentiate parasites in pig faecal samples.

Data on some of the parasites were already published here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34073014/

However, data on Parabasalid organisms have not been collated and analyzed yet, and these data could potentially feed into a publication.

If you’re interested, you could get access to this data, collate them, and analyse them as relevant.

The suitable candidate would be interested and fairly skilled in most of the following:

  • Alignment of DNA sequence data
  • Knowledge on genetic markers used for taxonomic annotation (e.g. SSU rRNA genes)
  • Phylogenetic analysis
  • Some basic knowledge on Parabasalids
  • Some basic interest in mapping the eukaryome (the eukaryotic component of the gut microbiome)

There would be a possibility to study relationships between these parabasalids (and other parasites) and accompanying bacterial microbiome.

No morphological data are available for this project. 

Please contact Rune Stensvold run@ssi.dk for more information